Pregnant foreign worker- how to act?

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Pregnant foreign worker- how to act?

Pregnant Migrant Workers A foreign worker is a woman and obviously there is a possibility that she will notify the employer of the state of pregnancy. In Israel there are labor laws relating to the employment of women and of course also apply to foreign workers. In general, the law protects the rights of the working woman during pregnancy so you do not just fire a pregnant employee , you also have an obligation to allow her medical tests and follow-ups during pregnancy. The employee is required to update her employer with the situation about  the pregnancy.

Many concerns arrise among employers of immigrants working in nursing. will the patient be harm from a drop in treatment due to pregnancy? May pregnancy  pose an additional burden on the employer who depends largely on others? How can he get an alternative therapist if necessary? What would he say if required to accommodate the baby after birth? Plus many other questions.

The pregnant worker is also full of concerns: how to inform the employer of the pregnancy? How will he respond? How do you continue to live in the employers home  if his attitude will become hostile because of the situation? What if the pregnancy would be problematic? What if they fire me? How to get along? Anyway who will help me at birth? She is going to give birth in a foreign country with no family support. How will she separate from the baby at the end of maternity leave ?! How can she be in touch with him remotely ??? So, the question of what to do has many answers. As the number of people so is the number of answers, each case is a story in itself.

I remember many years ago I visited a client random visit. I was surprised when the door opened by a  therapist whom I did not know. I knew the patiant is always at home,  sits silent and never reacts to what is happening around her. But when I went in to say hello, I was surprised again ... The old woman smiled at me and made voices, her expression was trying to tell me something very important and looks of her  eyes and head movements directed me to look at a different direction. I turned and saw a cart with a tiny baby..  then came into the living room the worker whom I knew, happy to see me and told about her pregnancy and birth giving, and this healing that her baby brought home to her old  lady who showed no interest in reality untill then for such a long time.

Other foreign nanny devotedly took care of an old woman long period. When she was pregnant she was afraid to be parted from her baby and had decided to give bitrth quietly ... her employer loved her and did not intervene in her private affairs so it was a boy growing up in the old womans home. Four years later immigration authorities heard about this and  demanded that the child will leave Israel because it is illegal for foreigners to raise families here. The caregiver sadly seperated from her old lady, helped train the incoming nurse, and left Israel with her child.

דיאנה: בחרה לחזור למולדתה וללדת שם

A year ago,  Diana turned to me, a foreign worker, and asked to get entry visa to marry her boyfriend. She actually went and got married, got pregnant and came back to work. She was very dedicated worker that took care of the old man, and as time elapsed and she observed that it requires more physical strength, she  turned to me for assistance in order to search a replacement worker. Once trained him well, and towards the end of pregnancy, Diana submitted her resignation and left Israel.

Another nurse, named Monett, also returned from marriage pregnant. Two months after she gave birth to her baby she sent it home and stayed with her patient. I called her to ask her questions about her and learned some interesting details ... she chose to tell about her pregnancy to the employer after 4 months, when the body began to swell. The employer was not surprised about that because he had imagined a girl who goes to marry could come back pregnant. Monett made by herself all inquiries and arrangements. Only when she saw something that she couldnt understand she turned to the employer or his wife and they assisted her. Also, always considering not to be abcent at the expense of the patient's time she coordinated all pregnancy various tests. only at certain times and certain days at his convenience. She preferred to train a new caregiver and early her maternity leave two weeks before birthgiving so that her patient will not be harmed by her absence. Employer allows it every day to see the baby on Skype and chat with her family. She knows and appreciates her employers attitude and support, and apparently he appreciates her attitude as well. And when all parties understand each other,children can come to the world ...

מונט: בחרה ללדת בארץ ולשלוח את התינוקת אל חיק המשפחה בפיליפינים

Mont wants to give you some tips if you are pregnant caregiver:

First of all go to the Kupat Holim to set your  pregnancy follow-up tests. Those who prefer can do it in a private clinic. Have to decide where you want to give birth- choose in advance which hospital and where you prefer. Hospital releases home the mother and baby after 3 days. It is very important to pay attention to the hospital for further important documents, prior to release. First of all go to the hospital's information. Get from them two important documents. One is the demand for payment insurance. The other is a health clinic Kupat Holim Meuhedet and "tipat halav" for infant health insurance. Find out about a third document: a birth certificate. There are hospitals that give it right away. And there are hospitals that inhibit a few days until the insurance pays them and then communicate to you that you come to get a birth certificate. One last thing before releasing it to receive a letter from the nurses is your release document. After released you must  approach Bituah Leumi with the baby and national insurance documents. Branch associated with the address of residence of the mother's employer. your employer must sign a document to the National Insurance so that they can prepare your money. It is important to follow and be in contact with them until they deposit into your account the maternity allowance. Here was a funny part of our conversation. Monnet told that there are all sorts of criteria for the National Insurance payment amount. For example, she received 10 thousand and she gave birth to a girl. And another friend received 17 thousand that had a son .... of course not !!!!! Girls are not worth less than boys !!!!! It depends on the period of employment, monthly salary, as well as first-time mothers are getting more than for another birth. It is very important to take care of the matter before birth with the Social Security that maternity allowance will be your only income the entire period of maternity leave. No salary for 3 months. Then you have to go to the embassy with documents from the hospital and to prepare baby birth certificate. Also there you prepare travel documents forbaby to go home...

This article was written by Tami from Derech Halev agency.

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